Our Programs

Personal Ponies wants to reach out to any child who may be “differently–abled” whether that condition is emotional or physical, whether caused by disease, birth-defect, accident or circumstance.
We provide pony visits to hospitals, schools, group & retirement homes for children of all ages that are confined to wheel chairs, children who are blind, deaf, have cerebral palsy, Down’s-Syndrome, spina-bifida, cancer, leukemia, Prader Willi and autism.
Others have suffered disabling injuries in fires or automobile accidents. Children may have defective hearts or failing organs. Still others have emotional or behavioral disorders caused by circumstances like abuse, neglect or abandonment.

“Pony-Tales” is a unique reading program where students get to select and share a book with their pony reading buddies. Each child then gets the opportunity to engage in one-on-one reading time with their special miniature UK Shetland pony. This is when the magic begins!
Personal Ponies is excited to announce that we received a community grant from Target for our “Pony-Tales” Program! This grant is part of ongoing efforts by Target to strengthen families and communities.
The program has been making a remarkable difference. We have evaluated and measured the changes in the students. Comprehension and fluency increased. Students make predictions and understand cause and effect. Improved self-esteem is observed as well as changes in pragmatics and social cues. Most importantly, this program sets a foundation for a life-long love of reading.

“Ponies for Heroes” serves Veterans of our Armed Forces & their families by providing a group or one-on-one interactive farm experience, along with pony visits to VA hospitals and retirement homes located in the South Florida region.
It is our privilege to provide this service through the generosity of local military organizations, corporations and private individuals. “Serving those who have served us…”